I’ve been watching my leaders lately. Especially the ones I’ve heard talk before (I already know their message). Here’s what I’ve noticed makes a great leadership talk. Short, simple – significant.
Be yourself.
Share a personal yet relevant story to connect with them as a person. We all still love and need stories, even though we’ve long since left the kindergarten story time circle.
START by thanking the group.
Tell the group before you start that you’ll be saving time to answer their questions at the end (prompting people to think of questions at the start will lead to there actually being questions at the end.)
LIMIT your message to 3 – 5 points or goals.
Show how “IT” is important… to them, to you, to the organization. Whatever your “IT” is.
Illustrate a way (or two) that the group is the best. Not just good. THE best! “You’re the best / you’ve done the best with meeting this new challenge…” Remember, be sincere. Go on to say (if it’s true), “I took your idea and learned from it and am using it elsewhere.”
Reinforce positive behavior, giving examples of what you see the group doing to attain your 3 – 5 top goals. IGNORE ANY AND ALL ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT.
Thank the group for their time.
Ask for questions. When you field them, always ask, “Did I answer your question?” It’s easy for leaders to get lost in business-speak, or think the question relates to a “big picture” issue when, in fact, it does not.
Thank the group (yes, again.)